NBCC's FREE webinar series on Medicare
Dec 12, 2023
Just recently it was announced that effective January 1, 2024, The Mental Health Access Improvement Act will allow licensed clinical professional counselors to bill Medicare directly for mental health diagnosis and treatment services in most settings.
Processes are now in place to begin enrollment and announce fees (go to cms.gov for enrollment and fees). The specific rates vary by the area that you are in.
And to help us all demystify the process NBCC has released a FREE webinar series covering what counselors need to know about becoming Medicare providers. I have shared all the links below to this series:
MEDICARE 101 WEBINAR: Introduction
MEDICARE 201 WEBINAR: Implementation of Part B for Counselors
MEDICARE 301 WEBINAR: Provider Enrollment Process and Fee Schedule
MEDICARE 401 WEBINAR: Essential Features of the Fee Schedule Rule
MEDICARE 501 WEBINAR: Opportunities for Community Behavioral Health Centers
MEDICARE 601 WEBINAR: Enrollment Process for Counselors
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