Quick Tips: How to Speed Up Admin Tasks with a Text Expander App!
Aug 02, 2021
Looking to speed up admin tasks? Fed up of typing the same phrases over and over in emails to clients?
Using a text expander app/program has saved me so much time! I use it when I email clients to schedule appointments or direct them to our online scheduler, benefit check emails, client refund/balance emails and a whole lot more!
Here are some of my recommendations:
https://www.trankynam.com/atext/ - Available for Mac & Windows (this is the one I use)
https://textexpander.com/ - Available for Mac & Windows
https://www.phraseexpress.com/ - Available for Mac, Windows & iOS
https://www.fastkeysautomation.com/ - Available for Windows
https://www.keyboardmaestro.com/main/ - Available for Mac
https://ettoresoftware.store/mac-apps/typeit4me - Available for Mac
Try some out and speed up those emails you write over and over! Let me know your favorite text expander program and how you use yours!
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